4 articles
Twitter is Trending #ExpressiveAsians Because It’s Tired of Hollywood’s BS Casting
The past few weeks have yielded a great deal of conversation surrounding Asians in media — or, rather, a lack thereof. “Hellboy&...
Heather Johnson Yu
Woman Whose Father Survived Japanese Internment Gives Asian Americans a Wake Up Call
Most Asian Americans in the U.S. today are immigrants or the children of immigrants, so people are flabbergasted when they find out that...
Kelly Osajima
Facebook Keeps Deleting This Poem About Racism and Won’t Say Why
On July 6th, acclaimed American slam poet Beau Sia posted a racially and politically charged poem he’d written on Facebook. The post got ove...
Editorial Staff
As An Asian American, I Am Invisible In This Country
We came to this country seeking the American Dream. Our parents saw this Golden Mountain as a symbol of the future and what it could provide...
David Yi
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