Asian Woman in SF Followed, Robbed of $16,000 Rolex at Gunpoint

By Carl Samson
An Asian woman in her 50s was held at gunpoint and robbed of her jewelry — including a $16,000 Rolex watch — at San Francisco’s Sunset District last October, new surveillance footage shows.
After having dim sum with friends, the victim, identified as Ms. Lee, was attacked in broad daylight after arriving at her niece’s home.
After Lee gets out of her car, one of the suspects shoves her to the ground, holds her at gunpoint and steals her handbag and jewelry, including her $16,000 Rolex.
Lee told ABC7 News anchor Dion Lim that one of her attackers was arrested in Georgia last week. She described him as an Asian man.
Kathie Mar, a longtime friend, had dim sum with Lee prior to the attack. She said Lee left at around 1:30 p.m., and the suspects followed her all the way to the Sunset District.
The incident has left Lee fearing for her safety. “It really changed her so much, every time she talks about it, she cries,” Mar, who also lives in Sunset, told ABC7 News.
“Everyone in the neighborhood thinks Sunset, Richmond is for families so everybody… no crime here. But we’re hearing more and more so, these past few years. She is definitely afraid to go out on her own now, to get in and out of her car it’s scary.”
On Sunday, a march and rally were held along San Francisco’s Upper Great Highway to condemn the recent attacks against Asian Americans. San Francisco Supervisor Gordon Mar was one of the featured speakers.
“[We’re here] to support our Asian community that’s really been struggling under the escalation in crime and violent incidents both here, locally in San Francisco, and nationally,” Mar told NBC Bay Area.
The official recently convened a hearing at the Board of Supervisors over the issue.
“I called on our city departments to work together to create a comprehensive plan to prevent violence and support victims in our Asian American communities. I’ve also called for increased investments in Asian community organizations,” Mar said.
Feature Image Screenshots via Dion Lim
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