Meet the Indian Man Whose Mission is to Date 365 Women

By Kyle Encina
Indian actor Sunder Ramu is being touted as India’s dating king after challenging himself to date 365 women but this is not without a good cause.

Ramu started his dating journey in 2015 after feeling depressed about numerous cases of violence towards women and believed that change needed to be done.

In order to raise awareness to women’s rights, the Indian actor dated a plethora of women from friends, family and even strangers.

One might assume that Ramu is oozing with charm after the fact that he has dated hundreds of women, but he admitted that this isn’t the case. “Trust me, I am not a Casanova. I do not have pointers to give for getting dates, all we should do is respect and care for the person,” Ramu added.

For Ramu, age and profession is irrelevant when it comes to dating as he invited women street-cleaners and even his 105-year-old grandmother on meal dates. The 31-year-old explained that the aim of these dates is to find the “inequalities towards women” and attempt to fix these in the process.

Fortunately, Ramu was able to strengthen his relationship with his family through these dates and was even able to get his 105-year-old grandmother to step out of the house for the first time in 22 years.

According to Barcroft, Ramu has already gone on 300 dates, but he’s not willing to stop there as he wants to go on 65 more with women outside of India.

While dating numerous women for a seemingly different purpose might be straying from the norm, there have been similar cases of these from around the world. In a previous report, a Malaysian man dated over 50 women for the purpose of improving his social skills.
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