Short Sumo Wrestler Takes Down Opponent Twice His Size

By Bryan Ke
A sumo wrestler defeated an opponent nearly twice his size at a recent tournament in Japan.
The jaw-dropping match happened at the 44th Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo on Sunday, according to Sankey News via SoraNews24.
Enho Akira, the smallest makuuchi (top of the six divisions) sumo wrestler, beat his huge opponent and his stablemate, Hakuho Sho, a yokozuna (grand champion), by flipping him in the ring.
Enho stands at only 168 centimeters (5 feet 6 inches) and weighs 99 kilograms (218 pounds) while his opponent stands at 192 centimeters (6 feet 3 inches) and weighs 158 kilograms (348 pounds).
The clip, shared by Twitter user @nakamawokobu, starts off with Hakuho creating distance between his opponent and himself by extending his arm and placing his palm on Enho’s forehead.
However, Enho quickly manages to break his opponent’s defense, quickly flipping him over with a shitatenage (underarm throw).
“It feels good. I’m happy,” Enho said. “It’s something I’ll never forget.”
Feature Image Screenshot via @nakamawokobu
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