Stunt Team’s Tribute Video for Jackie Chan Will Move You to Tears

Stunt Team’s Tribute Video for Jackie Chan Will Move You to TearsStunt Team’s Tribute Video for Jackie Chan Will Move You to Tears
After 56 years, Jackie Chan was finally given an Honorary Oscar – something that he so rightfully deserves for his immeasurable contributions to the movie industry during his 56-year career spanning 200 movies.
The 62-year-old actor was recognized at the star-studded Governors Awards in November where he was presented with the award in front of the biggest names in Hollywood.
There, he thanked his family, his fans, and his “brothers” from his JC Stunt Team.
But little did he know that his stunt team also planned a surprise that moved everyone to tears – including Jackie.
Acknowledged by the Academy Awards as a remarkable actor, even referred to by Tom Hanks as “Jackie Chantastic Chan,” the JC Stunt Team’s tribute, posted on Monday, showed a different side of Jackie.
As seen in the video posted on Facebook, Jackie was surprised on stage with a video tribute of his JC Stunt Team “brothers” for 40 years as they recalled their experience working with him. They each shared personal stories of how Jackie helped them, treated them like family, and worked hard all throughout the years.
“I hope he lives a hundred years, that way he can take care of all the brothers a hundred years,” one of them said.
After the video ended, Jackie and the rest of the audience were moved to tears upon seeing all the “brothers” as they all surprised the actor with their presence on stage.
The tribute video aimed for bullseye and hit close to home. It showed the different side of Jackie, the one that’s away from the limelight and one that is well-loved and respected for being an exceptionally genuine human being.
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