Blindfolded speed-dating video sparks discussion about Asian fetishization, fatphobia

A clip of an Asian man and a white woman participating in a blindfolded speed-dating video has sparked an online conversation about Asian fetishization.
Not only is “fetishization” a difficult word to say, it also seems to be a difficult concept for some users online to understand.
The 10-second clip comes from the most recent episode of “The Button,” a speed- dating show by the YouTube channel Cut where participants are seated on opposite sides of a button and can choose to move on to the next date by pressing the button before their partner. If neither participant presses the button, they can then decide whether they would like to go on a second date.
The video in question is the first episode in which participants have been blindfolded during their dates.
In the clip posted to Twitter, an Asian man is paired with a white woman who appears to be cosplaying as the character Mitsuri from the popular anime “Demon Slayer.” The woman, who introduces herself in the full video as Sam, tells Nathan, the Asian man, “I watch a lot of anime. I watch a lot of Asian shows like Korean dramas.” When Nathan asks her, “What is your type?” she responds, “I’m definitely very into Asian men,” before quickly clarifying, “It’s not like a dealbreaker or anything.”
In another clip of the video shared in the same Twitter thread, Nathan reveals that he is Asian, eliciting an excited “Oh!” from Sam. He asks if they can hug, to which Sam consents. After they sit back down, Nathan presses the button and ends the date.
Many Twitter users were outraged by the clip and expressed their frustrations with Asian fetishization.
“This is why I jump whenever someone tells me they love anime I’m like so what do u love about anime and how much do u love it,” one user wrote.
“I hate people who fetishize Asians it’s so gross 😭,” wrote another. “It don’t help that she’s dressed as Mitsuri either
Meanwhile, some questioned the difference between preferences and fetishization.
One commenter asked, “Ok so honest question. What’s the difference between fetishizing & just being infatuated with Asian culture? Like she can’t just like what she likes?”
Another replied, “Liking something is just that. Liking something. There’s nothing wrong with loving the Asian culture. However, the issue is that she built up her whole dating presence, her whole point do view of Asian men around chatacticures and stereotypical dramas, which can be detrimental.”
Alternatively, others accused Nathan of being “fatphobic.”
“She was sexualizing his race, he was fatphobic, can I make it anymore obvious? 😍✌️,” wrote one user.
“Not having a preference for fat people isn’t fat phobic,” wrote another user in response to the previous comment. It’s only if he belittles and makes her feel bad for being fat that would make him fatphobic. Not everyone is obligated to like you or see you as attractive.”
Featured Image via Cut
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