TikTok Users Are Putting Their Testicles in Soy Sauce After ‘Taste Bud’ Myth

By Bryan Ke
Some male TikTok users are dipping their testicles in soy sauce as part of a new trend that has been circulating on social media.
The weird science experiment went viral on Twitter after user @mightbecursed shared a link of a 2013 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences claiming that testicles have taste receptors, IFL Science reported.
The study also made its way to TikTok after user Regan came across the same study and said in her video, “Did ya’ll know that if a dude puts his balls in something he can taste it? He can taste it!”
Another TikTok user, Alx James, conducted his own experiment by rubbing soy sauce on his testicles. In his video, James explains the testicles and anus can detect the amino acid in soy sauce.
“I just went and got some soy sauce, and we’re going to do this little science experiment together. And don’t be nasty in the comments! This is the human anatomy,” he said, adding, “But I’m not gonna put it on my anus. I’m gonna let my little boys just try it out. I’m literally feeding my twins.”
Surprisingly, James went hysterical after he applied the soy sauce on his testicles.
“Oh my God, I can taste the salt! That’s ridiculous,” he claims.
YouTuber Matthew Lush also posted his own video on TikTok. However, he was unsure if his other senses are at play during the experiment.
“Everyone is saying you can taste soy sauce with your balls, so I’m gonna try it and see if I can f**king taste this. This better not ruin my Calvin Kleins I swear to God,” he said at the start of the video.
He then applied some soy sauce on his man jewels and had the same surprising result.
“I don’t know if I am just imagining this. I literally I don’t know if I just smell it and I taste it … Wait. What the f**k?” he said.
Twitter users are also jumping on the soy sauce balls trend and some of them claim the same result:
Lush, aka GayGod, uploaded a full video of the experiment with soy sauce and added a twist of orange juice to see if he can taste it with his testicles.
It turns out that tasting with your balls is not something the human body can do. Dr. Kirten Parekh, a 31-year-old foot and ankle surgeon from New Jersey posted a video debunking this new online trend.
“Research shows that there are taste bud receptors all over the body and it’s speculated to be for fertility,” Parekh told BuzzFeed. “Just because you have taste buds in that area doesn’t mean you can physically taste those flavors. Your body might receive it, but you won’t have a perceptive taste of sweet, sour, or whatever flavor.”
“It beats vaping. That’s all I can say,” he added.
Dr. Kieran Kennedy, a psychiatrist from Melbourne, Australia told Men’s Health that even though many tissues in our body have taste receptors, including the testicles, they don’t actually “taste” anything. Kennedy also mentioned that the study was done on animals, specifically on mice.
He did offer an explanation as to why some people experience the taste when they rub or dip their junk in soy sauce.
“When you think about it, even if you imagine or anticipate tasting something salty (like chips) or sour (a lemon), then you’ll notice your mouth water and even a potential hint of a taste,” he said. “Add that to the fact that these guys are probably getting a big whiff of soy sauce as they ‘prepare’, and it likely explains away any reported ’taste’ experience.”
Feature Image Screenshot via GayGod (Left), Getty (Right)
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