South Korean Teacher Arrested for Having Sexual Relationship with 12-Year-Old Student

South Korean Teacher Arrested for Having Sexual Relationship with 12-Year-Old StudentSouth Korean Teacher Arrested for Having Sexual Relationship with 12-Year-Old Student
A female teacher from Seoul, South Korea, has been arrested by local authorities for having a sexual relationship with a 12-year-old male student.
The 32-year-old teacher, whose name has been kept hidden, was nabbed by the Gyeongnam Provincial Police Agency on Tuesday, Straits Times reported. She is now facing charges of underage rape and molestation.
According to her testimony to the police, the teacher claims that her sexual relationship with the 12-year-old male was consensual. She even went on to explain to the police that both of them have developed a mutual liking.
Sexual relationship with a minor under the age of 13 is punishable by law in Korea as the age of consent in the country is 13. A person who is caught having sex with someone below the age of consent will need to face serious charges and jail time if found guilty of the crime.
The incident was first reported to the police after the parents of the student found half-naked photos of the female teacher on his cellphone.
Digital data from the teacher’s phone is now being recovered by the Gyeongnam Police.
Meanwhile, the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education is running its own investigation with the 12-year-old molestation case and has officially removed the teacher from her school post.
Featured Image via Wikimedia Commons / hyolee2 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
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