How One Startup Founder Convinced Me to Invest $25,000 Through Snapchat

Wonderloop might be the first company ever to raise money on Snapchat, and I might be the first angel to invest through Snapchat. All this was possible through The Power of Asking!
As an angel investor I get a lot of hopeless pitches daily. As all the pitches come through email, I have developed an ability to filter through them and now I mostly look at “insider deals” when I want to invest.
Wonderloop founder Hanna Aase, however, displayed some smart skills — she’s one of the best start-up founders I’ve seen and was invited to be a speaker at the World Economic Forum — and got me to invest in her startup, which has created the world’s first video profile platform.
She sent me a text on Snapchat asking me to invest. And I replied back, saying:
You must be thinking, “Oh man, c’mon! It can’t be that easy, can it?”
Well, it is.
You just have to know how to ask and when to ask. To be able to access the power and strength of asking, you need to be able to do at least two things:
1) Eliminate any barriers to asking, and
2) Learn how to ask.
Hanna and I have been following each other’s Snapchat stories ever since I met her at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
I am used to seeing her work hard on the product and share it through her snaps, so when she reached out asking for an investment, I was happy to say yes immediately.
After our snaps; I literally just asked to sign the papers to finish off the investment ($25,0000 total). Later, she emailed me the docs over email.
I see so many entrepreneurs waiting around hoping investors will come to them — that’s not how you get anything in life.
Hanna has been very active on social media, because, well, she is building a social platform. She’s the type of entrepreneur I would invest in and work with.
Wonderloop is probably the first company to pitch and successfully raise money through Snapchat, and this is what the world is moving to. We don’t need sophisticated platforms that just get in the way of building amazing platforms. For example, I tried investing in another deal through AngelList recently, and it was a mess. They have rules and regulations that only hinder the investment process. I closed this Snapchat deal in five minutes.
To all the fellow entrepreneurs out there, this is a great opportunity for you to learn from — reach out to your investors through uncommon and unique ways to get their attention!
I am not afraid of trying new technology, and you shouldn’t be either.
Now that the first #SnapDeal is done, I am looking to do a #TinderDeal — come find me there!
About the Author: Evan Luthra is a 20 year old serial entrepreneur and investor. He has built a variety tech companies including,, and You can follow him on and snapchat @EvanLuthra.