China’s Smart Bathrooms Will Sound an Alarm When You Take Too Long

China’s Smart Bathrooms Will Sound an Alarm When You Take Too LongChina’s Smart Bathrooms Will Sound an Alarm When You Take Too Long
Bathrooms in Shanghai, China have been equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including warning systems for people who use the facilities for too long.
Bathrooms in Shanghai, China have been equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including a warning system for people who use the facilities for too long.
The Chinese government has built and installed around 150 “smart” public bathrooms around the city, according to Shanghai Observer via Shanghaiist.
They all come equipped with high-tech features such as monitoring and controlling the odor, tabulating the number of visitors and adjusting water levels.
Bathrooms in Shanghai, China have been equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including a warning system for people who use the facilities for too long.
One feature that is drawing much attention online is the timer that tracks how long a visitor uses the bathroom.
If the visitor stays inside for longer than 15 minutes, an alarm will be sent to a worker who will then check on the person.
Bathrooms in Shanghai, China have been equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including a warning system for people who use the facilities for too long.
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