Singaporean Instagrammer Has Been Eating Chicken Rice EVERY DAY For Over 450 Days

By Ryan General
One Singaporean fan’s unwavering love for chicken rice
Instagram user kuey.png has been posting delicious-looking images of Chicken rice for the past 452 days. As indicated in the username, the person uses .png as the file format for the photos.
The mysterious netizen, who is also known as Ji Fan Fan (roughly translates to “chicken rice fan”), posted the first chicken rice photo back in September 2017.
While the initial photos are a bit blurry, the image quality improved as the months went on.
Ji Fan Fan, who has since gained over 10,000 followers in the span of one and a half years, has been actively engaging with commenters, usually offering witty responses.
When one user commented: “RIP all the chickens.”
Ji Fan Fan responded accordingly with, “they did not die for nothing bro.”
“Bro if u go overseas, then how to find chicken rice to maintain your record?” asked one commenter.
Our chicken rice hero simply replied, “I have no money to go overseas. bro.”
“My mom used to feed me chic rice every single day for a year so your daily KP post brings back memories,” another user shared.
“I see your mom is a connoisseur as well, thank you for sharing your pleasant childhood memory,” said Ji Fan Fan.
Feature image via Instagram / kuey.png
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