Silicon Valley Bro Calls Mother ‘F*cking Cambodian N*gger’ in Front of Her Little Daughter

By Khier Casino
A California woman on a bike ride with her 9-year-old daughter was called a “bitch” and a “f*cking Cambodian n*gger” by a white Silicon Valley bro.
In a Facebook post published Thursday, Paula Nuguid wrote that she was trying to make a legal left into a parking lot in Sunnyvale when the driver, identified by social media users as Evan Klinger, blasted his car horn at her.
The brave mother then gave Klinger a piece of her mind.
“This white guy thought it would be okay to honk at me and call me a bitch as I was making a legal left turn,” Nuguid said. “When I confronted him about using his two-ton vehicle to intimidate my nine-year-old daughter and me, he called me a Cambodian n-word. I hope his friends, family, and employer see this.”
Video footage of the incident, recorded by Nuguid, shows the driver claiming that she made an illegal right turn on a green light.
“That was an illegal right turn,” he said in the short clip.
In a comment below her post, Nuguid argued that her turn was legal.
“His claim I made an illegal right is absurd,” she said. “I was traveling east in the bike lane on Evelyn Ave and the light was green as I turned right.”
Nuguid told Raw Story that this is not the first time she has been racially harassed by a white man while cycling, adding that the recent incident made her 9-year-old daughter cry.
Hours after posting the video on Facebook, the mother shared some shocking remarks she received from a user, who argued that Nuguid was the one behaving in a “racist and hateful” way.
The Twittersphere wasn’t about to let this incident go unnoticed.
User “711culture” tweeted a screenshot of Klinger’s Instagram page, “br0seidon”, which has since been taken down.

His LinkedIn, under the username “eklinger”, was also deleted, but a quick Google search listed him as working for Apple.

The only social media account left online appears to be a profile, which has received no recent activity.

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