Adopted Indian Girl Goes Missing in Texas After Being Kicked Out of the House as Punishment

By Bryan Ke
A 3-year-old adopted Indian girl from Richardson, Texas, has reportedly gone missing
Texas police are now looking for Sherin Mathews, who is believed to be in serious and immediate danger. According to WFAA 8, Richardson Police Department (RPD) relayed that there have been no developments in the case of the 3-year-old missing girl.
Wesley Mathews, Sherin’s father, took the girl outside of their house on Saturday night at around 3 a.m. as a punishment for not drinking her milk. On the affidavit, the father told his daughter to stand near the large tree in their backyard, but she was gone 15 minutes later.
Police weren’t notified about Sherin’s disappearance until at least five hours when she was last seen.
“Why was the last sighting at 3 o’clock and the parents not call us until after 8 a.m., that’s the question we want answered as well. As far as why she was out there, how long she was out there, that’s the questions we have for the parents,” Sgt. Kevin Perlich, the spokesman for RPD, told KXAS-TV (NBC 5).
The RPD issued an AMBER (America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) Alert on Saturday afternoon. Police discontinued the alert on Monday due to the lack of new information regarding her whereabouts.
Despite the discontinued AMBER Alert, search efforts for Sherin are still ongoing, using dogs and going door-to-door in the family’s neighborhood on Saturday to “pick up any type of scent, or items of clothing” that could help teams locate Sherin, Perlich said.
Local authorities are now working with other state agencies to find the girl, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the U.S. Marshals Service.
The Mathews’ daughter was reportedly removed from the couple’s home and put in foster care, according to Marissa Gonzales, a spokeswoman with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
Wesley, meanwhile, was arrested on Saturday by the authorities on charges of abandoning or endangering a child. A judge set the father’s bond at $250,000.
Sherin, who was adopted by the Mathews family two years ago from an orphanage in India, was last seen wearing a pink top, black pajamas bottom and pink flip flops.
Anyone who might have information or who has seen Sherin is asked to call Richardson police at (972) 744-4800.
Image via Richardson Police Department
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