Indian Woman Finds $15 Million Deposited in Her Bank Account and No One Will Claim It

King Malleta
December 30, 2016
What would you do if you wake up one day and find millions in your used-to-be empty bank account?
Uttar Pradesh-based Sheetal Yadav said that she got the biggest surprise when she walked to an ATM machine one day and found out that she had $15 million in it. Yadav even asked the person next to her to double check and see if what she was seeing is true. She also made attempts to check her balance in other machines in town hoping that it will show her true bank statement.
The honest woman, who earns a measly salary of $74 a month, turned to her bank to bring the issue to their attention. She said that she was initially told to come back later that day because the manager was not around. But when the manager arrived, he refused to do anything about the situation.
According to Mashable, Yadav, with her husband Ziledar Singh, have sent a letter to the Prime Minister’s office with hopes that the mistake will be resolved. But so far, they have not had any luck.
The couple insisted that there was no way they could make this much money because of the meager salary they take home.
To make things more interesting, it was found out that Yadav’s account was created as part of a government’s project called Jan Dhan Yojana, which aims to encourage people with low income to open bank accounts so that government subsidies will be transferred to them directly.
This incident can possibly be linked to news about corrupt officials laundering money to such bank accounts which comes in the wake of India’s demonetization.
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