K-pop star SE7EN and K-drama star Lee Da-hae announce they are engaged

Hello. This is SE7EN.
It looks like 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of my debut. If it wasn’t for the love of the fans who aways supported us, I believe that this would have been impossible. I am so thankful and grateful.
Today I wanted to let those people be the very first to know this happy news.
For the past eight years we have shared ups and downs, and she has always surrounded me with love even when I lacked. I am engaged with my girlfriend Lee Da-hae, and we will marry this coming May 6th.
As the head of a family and a husband, I will move forward and live with a sense of responsibility and maturity.
Again, to those who have always been cheering me on, I wanted to give my thanks. Until next time! Thank you.
Hello everyone. This is Lee Da-Hae.
After dating for eight years, it may not come as a big surprise even though this is a little awkward. I was wondering a lot about how I should say this.
This coming May, we will go from long-time lovers to husband and wife. Even though I’m used to using “boyfriend” for SE7EN, who has stayed confidently by my side, protecting me, making me happy, and who will now be my lifelong partner. I will be a good wife, and from now be considerate of him and be his strength.
If we can marry in your love and grace it would bring us the greatest happiness. Also, from now on as an actress and a wife, I will repay everyone’s love by returning prettier and better! Thank you.
SE7EN and Lee, both aged 38, have been in the South Korean entertainment industry for over two decades.