Asian Man Beaten and Robbed of ‘Around $15K’ at Bank in the Bay Area

By Carl Samson
In the latest of a new surge in anti-Asian attacks, a man was assaulted and robbed while trying to deposit “large sums of money” at a bank in San Leandro, California this week.
The incident, which left the victim with minor injuries, occurred at the Bank of America branch at 1925 Marina Boulevard around 1:20 p.m. on Tuesday.
The victim was standing in line when four males allegedly pushed him to the ground, stole his money and took off in a vehicle.
Videos in the aftermath of the incident show the victim sitting with a bloodied head and pointing at an injury on his leg.

Stories circulating that the victim was slashed in the neck are false. Police said his head hit the ground after being pushed.
Police described one of the suspects as African American, approximately 25 years old, standing 6 feet (183 centimeters), wearing dark clothing and armed with a handgun. The three other suspects are described as African Americans in their 20s.
Police have not confirmed the amount of cash stolen. However, workers near the area reported around $15,000.
“This is an active investigation, and our detectives are working on leads to identify the suspects. Since this is an active case, the San Leandro Police Department will not be releasing additional information at this time,” Lt. Ali Khan told NextShark.
Feature Image Screenshots via @DionLimTV
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