Family-Owned Fruit Business in San Jose Has All Their Valuables Taken By Burglars

By Ryan General
Owners of a fruit store in San Jose, California found their store’s glass doors smashed on Monday morning.
San Jose Tropical Fruits, a family-owned business, posted a photo on Instagram of the damage with a caption that expressed heartbreak over the incident. According to the store’s owners, similar incidents have occurred before. After this particular attack, some of their valuables have gone missing.
“As we tried to open our family store this morning, this is the scene we happened upon. ‘Again?!’ went through our heads,” their post’s caption says. “Each time this happens, our spirits die a little more. Please. We are just a small family business trying to survive.”
The store owners’ daughter Barbara shared with NextShark that the burglary happened between 10:30 p.m. on Feb. 28 and 8:00 a.m. on Mar. 1.
“As far as we know so far, some of the items such as iPad, cash, confidential documents and scratchers were stolen,” she said.
Barbara also explained that they were unable to capture any images of the perpetrators because their security cameras were damaged during the incident.
The family immediately contacted authorities but has yet to receive any updates.
“We were told to wait until they arrived before we were able to clean up and see our damages,” Barbara shared. “We have submitted a report but there has not been any leads or updates as of yet.”
According to Barbara, the family business has experienced similar attacks since it first opened in Paloma Plaza a few years ago: “In the past years, we’ve had three break-ins already, and an attempted break-in.”
Barbara shared that although her family members are not asking for financial support at the moment, they welcome “anyone to help us keep a lookout of our store whenever you’re in the area, and to stop by and try out some fruits and our products!”
The store also posted a message of appreciation on Facebook and Instagram in response to the support that customers and followers have given since the recent robbery.
Feature Image via Tropical Fruits (left), Google Maps (right)
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