Samoan Firefighters Sing in the Forest to Recover After Battling California Wildfires

By Kyle Encina
The firemen who dealt with the recent California wildfires find solace in the tragic aftermath by singing a very touching Samoan praise song.
The footage of these brave firemen singing in acapella was posted on Facebook, where it managed to move and inspire other users. Facebook users applauded the firemen’s touching gesture calling their musical act “So beautiful,” “Amazing” and “Magnificent” among others. The caption of the video reads:
“Turn the volume all the way up. The palagis dubbed it to be ‘Like something out of a Disney Movie.’ With the recent wildfires that threatened different parts of the United States, help was sent out from American Samoa to assist firefighters. They’re called Hand Crews, generally their job is to protect natural resources from the threat of a blaze by using hand tools on the outrigs of a designated area to prevent fire from scorching further. It requires physical agility & endurance- Samoans are well known by the Fire Departments in all of the U.S. to be among the best hand crews. Listen as this ‘Handcrew’ of Samoans straight from the motherland do what all us Polynesians love to do when physically performing a task: sing. Their voices harmoniously echo through the forest as they approach their day’s end in a symphony praising God for his protection & guidance over them. Isn’t it beautiful?”
Some Facebook users were even moved to tears while others praised them saying “they’re so good one would think they were professionally trained.” According to HawaiiNewsNow, the firemen were singing a Samoan Christian praise song called “Fa’afetai i le Atua” or “Thanks unto God.”
Furthermore, their hymn’s tune is derived from the song “What a Friend We Have In Jesus.” The source revealed that the firemen were from the Helena Fire Department’s Crew 61.
What’s even more surprising is that the melodic firemen were part of a specialized division called a hotshot crew, a team tasked at traveling to remote locations and fighting fire in the toughest terrains. With all the air-pollution mess and the heartbreaking deaths that the California wild fires have dealt onto the affected regions, an uplifting song of praise could just be the perfect remedy.
Check out the firemen’s heartwarming performance in the video below.
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