Indian Comedian Gains 24,000 Instagram Followers With the Pettiest Post of All Time

Meet Sahib Singh.

Singh is an aspiring comedian who loves nothing more than to make people laugh.
No seriously, he’s hilarious.
Swear to…uhh…
Unfortunately, one person doesn’t seem to think so — his sister, who took to Twitter to see about possibly revoking his Instagram privileges.
So naturally, the tweet went viral.
Some used the opportunity to offer their hand in marriage — both to Singh…
…and to his sister!
Everyone’s favorite post of Singh’s was definitely the one where he unleashed everyone’s inner petty.

Literally everyone related to this petty AF post.
Sadly, Instagram took down the post, as they (wrongly) believed the addresses to be real.
But not before Singh went from his alleged 300 Instagram followers to over 24K in just two short days; reportedly, he’s having some difficulty adjusting to his newfound fame.
Anyway, be sure to check out some of his other great posts to make up for the tragic loss of the pettiest post on the planet:
Also, he raps — check out T-Iddy, aka zero foreplay:
Thanks for the laughs, Sahib!
Feature Image via Instagram / SahibCantSingh
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