Ruthie Ann Miles Loses Unborn Child 2 Months After Accident That Killed Her Daughter

Ruthie Ann Miles Loses Unborn Child 2 Months After Accident That Killed Her DaughterRuthie Ann Miles Loses Unborn Child 2 Months After Accident That Killed Her Daughter
Carl Samson
May 18, 2018
Ruthie Ann Miles lost her unborn child two months after the crash that killed her four-year-old daughter and put her in critical condition.
Miles, who was expecting to give birth this month, lost her baby on May 11.
Miles won a Tony for her performance in “The King and I” in 2015. Image via YouTube / The Tony Awards
The Broadway star sustained severe injuries on March 5 when Dorothy Bruns drove through a red light and slammed into her and daughter Abigail, including another mother, Lauren Lew, and her one-year-old son, Joshua.
via Twitter / leahfinnegan
Abigail and Joshua died due to the accident while their mothers suffered injuries.
Miles’s husband, Jonathan Blumenstein, announced on March 8 that she was moved to the intensive care unit and that the baby she was carrying was “unharmed.”
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Unfortunately, things took a grim turn two months later.
Ben Rubinowitz, the family’s lawyer, told New York Daily News:
“At the time of the crash Ruthie was pregnant and was severely injured. This past Friday Ruthie and Jonathan lost their baby, Sophia Rosemary Wong Blumenstein. The pain suffered by Ruthie and Jonathan is nearly impossible to fathom.”
via Facebook / Dorothy Bruns
Bruns, who drove a white Volvo at the time of the crash, had been in trouble with traffic laws in the last two years.
She is revealed to be suffering from multiple sclerosis, a chronic disease that attacks the brain and the spinal cord resulting to initial symptoms such as sensory problems and motor deterioration.
via Twitter / leahfinnegan
As it turned out, Bruns had a seizure when the accident happened, Pix 11 reported.
“This should never have happened,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a conference. “She should never have been allowed to have been driving a car after what we know of these other violations.”
“I share the frustration of many in my community. I wish she was under arrest right now. I certainly believe measures need to be taken to ensure she will not drive a car anymore.”
via Twitter / leahfinnegan
Bruns has been charged in a 10-count indictment.
Featured Photos via YouTube / (Left): The Tony Awards | (Right): Twitter / RuthieAnnMiles
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