Meet the Socialite Grandson of Indonesia’s Richest Woman

Ryan General
June 6, 2016
Richard Muljadi is the socialite grandson of Indonesia’s richest woman, Kartini Muljadi, who currently has a net worth of $715 million. The Muljadi family’s wealth was largely generated from pharmaceutical firm Tempo Scan Pacific, which the family founded.
The 28-year-old entrepreneur documents his lavish lifestyle on his Instagram account, where he can be seen wearing stylish, branded clothes and eating expensive meals.
Muljadi’s upscale lifestyle is highlighted by his collection of fancy cars, exclusive pool parties, expensive fashion and luxurious holiday travels around the world.
His fascination with expensive watches is also very evident in the numerous posts that display his varied collection.
He also has two pet dogs named Coco and Lulu, who both have their own Instagram accounts. Richard even gave Coco a new car for her birthday last year.  
“With this new car I hope now you won’t be too grumpy when the nanny takes you to the salon,” Richard wrote in an Instagram post.
Richard is currently married to Indonesian actress Shalvynne Chang. In the February issue of Prestige Indonesia featuring the power couple, she said: “I think it is a privilege to be able to find love at a young age is truly something to be grateful for.”
Investing in several companies in the oil and gas industry, Richard hopes to continue expanding the family’s wealth. He told Prestige Indonesia: “I’ve always been reminded by my family that managing wealth is more difficult than building a business. Therefore, I would very much like to prove that, as the third generation, I can still carry on the family legacy.“
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