Asian Reddit user shares video compilation of racists reacting to being asked not to block a driveway

By Rebecca Moon
A Reddit user uploaded a video compilation to the Reddit community r/nyc last Thursday that shows multiple instances of people making anti-Asian comments in New York City.
Redditor u/thoushallnot22 also posted the compilation on their YouTube channel with the title “When Racist People Encounter Asians: A Compilation.” The uploader explained in their Reddit thread that the video shows people’s reactions towards the user when they ask them not to block their driveway.
“Here is some context: People block my driveway. I ask them to not block my driveway. This is how they react- perhaps because they are selfish and feel entitled to do so,” they said.
All of the videos shown took place in Brooklyn, New York City, although the user did not specify the exact location in Brooklyn saying, “This is as specific as I am willing to get.”
In one of the encounters, a man yells, “F*ck you Chinese people,” and “You spread corona,” while another woman from her car yells, “Ching ching chong chong,” as she drives away.
According to the Reddit user, the incident involving the woman yelling “Ching ching chong chong” from her car occurred less than two months ago
The user also states that they called in the encounters to the police, who came and deemed it as “harassment.” Besides filing a harassment report afterwards, the user explained that no other charges were filed.
Several Reddit users voiced their sympathy and even shared similar experiences they had while living in New York City.
One user described an alleged experience in which she went up to a man to ask a question, saying, “He literally grabbed a napkin and put it over his mouth” before telling her, “I love Asian women, but y’all are ruining my economy.”
Another user shared how “a random guy” approached them and yelled, “Go back to your country!”
When asked what a NYC resident can do to help in these racist encounters, the user responded, “In an ideal world, I would have said intervene and stand up for the victim. But this is NYC where intervening can leave you dead.”
Feature Image via YouTube
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