Reddit Users Fund AMWF Porn to Trigger White Supremacists on 4chan — And It’s Working

By Carl Samson
Editor’s note: The individual who’s name was mentioned in this project has been redacted to protect her privacy.
Asian subreddit r/aznidentity crowdfunded and produced an Asian Male-White Female (AMWF) pornshoot based off a real-life gamer couple.
Organizer the0clean0slate announced the successful completion of the shoot on February 22, adding that it’s currently in post-production with “full release coming soon”.

“Sneak peak of the plot: Our [redacted] got pissed at the racist white trolls harassing her for dating an Asian man, and she decides to f**k her boyfriend while streaming. Slobbering his big Asian c**k while flipping the racist part of her audience off.”

According to the0clean0slate, r/aznidentity partnered with Asian porn star Jeremy Long to train more Asian men to get into the industry. There are now five people who “know how to do it and went through the pipeline.”
The completed shoot cost $2,930 of the $3,197 raised during an earlier crowdfunding campaign.

“I hope this generates maximum outrage for the 4chan or sexpat types. That would be great publicity,” the0clean0slate added. “So now whenever we see a racist anti-Asian incident, we can literally create a porn parody of it.”
He listed things that such could accomplish:
“(1) More positive AM representation. (2) Piss the white racist off. (3) Counter productive for the white racist (they just managed to c**k themselves with more AMWF porn). (4) And something we can actually jerk off to, where the AM and his sex partner actually enjoy and love sex. (5) And you get off more women who love AM but can’t find AM porn (other than sexually regressive JAV stuff).”
It did not take long before the announcement reached 4chan. A thread titled “Asian male Activist porn being made as revenge on white men” garnered hundreds of comments, with many going all-out bitter:

Meanwhile, supporters are celebrating, even pitching more ideas at r/aznidentity:

The0clean0slate also encouraged other Asian men to join the industry, “If you are interested in acting in porn, there is definitely a severe lack of AM actors. Just put yourself out there and apply.”
“It appears[redacted] is not happy about her likeness being used in the subreddit’s porn production, and Reddit has removed their project update post. Said the0clean0slate via PM: ‘[redacted]’s manager literally filed a DMCA notice that removed my post, so I would not like more trouble on this front.’
“The organizer also admonished /r/aznidentity members to avoid mentioning the streamer’s name in connection with the porn: ‘from now on, do not mention [redacted] name, or even[redacted] when talking about this project.’
“Redditors who admitted to posting about the porn shoot over at 4chan were then banned from the subreddit, on grounds of bringing them ‘unnecessary attention.’”
Images via Imgur (WARNING NSFW)
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