Mom and Korean Adoptee Speak For the First Time Since One Became a Trump Supporter

Mom and Korean Adoptee Speak For the First Time Since One Became a Trump SupporterMom and Korean Adoptee Speak For the First Time Since One Became a Trump Supporter
“My mom and I have always kind of disagreed about politics,” 
Graham Flanagan, a journalist for the Business Insider, posted on his Facebook page one day asking for people to come forward with their stories of any familial fallout as a result of the 2016 presidential election. Flanagan said that one story in particular stood out to him, and that was Rebecca’s, a South Korean adoptee and fellow University of Alabama graduate. She and her mother had stopped speaking to each other due to differences in political opinions, as Rebecca did not seem to be able to reconcile her mother’s support of Trump with her own background as a non-White immigrant.
“For real, I’ve stopped talking to my mom because of Trump. Not that he is the only problem but moreso representative of a lot of other problems already there. Not sure what you’re looking for but yeah, his election has certainly been divisive,” Rebecca said to Flanagan in a Facebook message.
Rebecca Undividing America
“I’m very hurt by being cut off. It’s very, very painful having separation,” said Mary, choking back tears.
Flanagan decided to bring mother and daughter together again for an interview in a video called “Undividing America”, hoping to do exactly what the title proposes. He invited Rebecca to Mary’s house and had the two of them speak about what divided them and how they might be able to heal and come together once more.
The conversation went amicably, with Rebecca firmly but calmly stating her reasons for the separation in a matter-of-fact manner. Mary reaffirmed her approval of Trump, specifically referring to an executive order on religious liberties, before emotionally pleading her case for reuniting with her daughter and grandchildren.
Ultimately, the two of them agreed that counseling would be a good idea, hugged it out, and eventually started speaking to each other again.
Watch the full video on Business Insider.
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