Florida pizza-eating racists hurl anti-Asian slurs at ramen restaurant after being asked to leave

Florida pizza-eating racists hurl anti-Asian slurs at ramen restaurant after being asked to leaveFlorida pizza-eating racists hurl anti-Asian slurs at ramen restaurant after being asked to leave
A ramen restaurant in Delray Beach, Fla., has been the recipient of anti-Asian vitriol from interlopers who refused to leave and take the pizza they bought elsewhere.
How it started: Ramen Lab Eatery, which sits at 25 Northeast 2nd Ave., was trying to close at 11:45 p.m. on Thursday when three white men allegedly showed up and began unstacking chairs.
  • The group reportedly started spewing profanities after a female employee “politely” asked them to leave. Restaurant owner Louis Grayson said he stepped in and filmed the scene.
  • “They started calling her a lil b*tch, saying f*ck you to her,” Grayson told NextShark. “I came out and asked them to leave, but they continued to yell, got [more] aggressive and kept saying this is public property.”
  • In the video, a man in a white shirt tells Grayson: “Take your f*cking China flu, and shove it up your a**! A**hole, you f*cking Taiwanese ch*nk motherf**ker.”
  • Grayson is heard telling the group that he asked them to leave “nicely,” but the profanity continues. “Sissy motherf**ker! Communist! Communist!” another in pink shorts says.
  • Grayson told NextShark that the man in pink shorts arrived first, unstacking chairs by himself before returning with the others and buying pizza from another business. In their initial confrontation, the man allegedly told him, “I bet you’re from California and a liberal, you communist.”
The aftermath: The interlopers reportedly left after restaurant staff called the police. Shortly after, Grayson took the video to Instagram.
  • On Sunday, Grayson went to the Delray Beach Police Department to ensure that they had a report and his video evidence. “I wanted to make sure we were taking the right legal actions. [The police] said the best thing to do was put it on the internet since they could not do much with verbal abuse,” he told NextShark.
  • Grayson said police have assured him that they have the case. As of this writing, one of the interlopers has been identified by an anonymous tipster who saw the video, he said.
  • One exchange that struck out to Grayson was when the group repeatedly asked him where he was from. When he said he’s from the U.S., one allegedly said, “No you’re not, you f*cking from [sic] China you f*cking ch*nk.”
  • Customers and others have sent the restaurant supportive messages. “It’s amazing how the guy in the white shirt stopped talking once he finally realized you were taking a video. I’m so sorry this world is mean! Stop the hatred, people,” one user wrote.
  • Grayson said that while the Asian American community has always faced hate and discrimination, it’s become “more prevalent” with the COVID-19 pandemic. “The difference is that now, with technology and social media, we are able to record and post instantaneously. Hate in the Asian American community has always been an issue and will continue be an issue, and just because it’s not being recorded and shared doesn’t mean it isn’t happening,” he told NextShark. “I want to thank everyone who has shown their support and spread awareness — let’s continue to end hate.”
Featured Image via @ramenlabeatery
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