Man hurls racist, anti-Semitic remarks at an interracial couple on morning walk in Houston

A man hurled racist remarks at an interracial couple on a morning walk in Houston, Texas.
Andy Tran and his fiancée were walking with their dogs in Westchase when a man started hurling hate speech at them on Tuesday.
“My bells were getting a little rattled, but we were trying to ignore him,” Tran told The Houston Chronicle. “We were also thinking it was a joke at first, because this has never happened to us.”
Tran, who is Asian, and his fiancée, who is white, initially ignored the man. However, Tran decided to record the verbal attack when he saw the man walking toward them. He has since posted the video to Reddit’s “Public Freakout” forum, where it has been upvoted over 72,000 times.
The man, who wore a green “Be Someone” shirt, a hat and sunglasses, hurled racist remarks used against Asian and Black people, according to Tran. The couple said he also used anti-Semitic language and called Tran’s fiancée a “white whore.”
“He was basically going through the whole racist rhetoric book,” Tran said. “He was saying a lot of slurs the first time.”
“What are you? Chink? Mexican? I don’t know what the f*ck you are,” the unidentified man said before the recording ends.
Tran filed a police report through the Houston Police Department’s non-emergency line after 5 p.m. on Tuesday. While it is unclear if the incident will be considered a crime, the police are currently investigating the incident as “an assault by threat.”
“I’ve never had any problems,” Tran told The Houston Chronicle. “Our neighborhood is actually really diverse. It was just weird. That’s why we were laughing, because it was just so out of nowhere.”
“If anything, I just want this guy to get help,” Tran added. “This is all coming from a bad place in his life. Luckily, my fiance and I are positive people, fairly light-hearted. If anything, we pity him.”
Featured Image via u/Philvox
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