Racist Anti-Asian Signs Spotted Around Sydney Suburb

Racist Anti-Asian Signs Spotted Around Sydney SuburbRacist Anti-Asian Signs Spotted Around Sydney Suburb
Several anti-Asian posters discovered throughout a Syndey suburb caused a massive uproar online for calling an end to Asian immigration in the country.
The shocking racist signs were posted in Top Ryde suburb and shared online on the Sydney subreddit.
No more Asians. It’s not the face of Australia. We speak English,” the racist poster reads, which ironically is riddled with several spelling mistakes. “We write & read English. Dont [sic] insult our country. We dont [sic] insult yours. Stop the 457 work visa its a scam. It puts Aussies out of work. They doht [sic] go back.”
All Asian businesses/employees discriminate; they only employ Asians,” the post continues. “Stop Asians applying for public housing assistance. They have no rights to. It puts Aussies homeless.”
Stop incoming Asians sporting paronts [sic] at our expense, they dont [sic] go back.”
Stop Asians illeagally [sic] using concession cards. Stop Asians seat hogging on out transport.”
Save our Aussie culture. Politicians murdering our culture for short gain.”
Australia is not Asia.”
Many Reddit users couldn’t help but speculate if the post was satire or made by some random troll.
A similar anti-Asian poster was spotted last year after an Asian businessman’s billboard was defaced with the same “No more Asians” sign.
It turns out, this is just one of several posters spotted around the area. City of Ryde Mayor Jerome Laxale confirmed that about eight posters were found and removed so far.
Ryde is one of the most vibrant and diverse cities in Australia,” he told the news publication. “We are proud of our multiculturalism. This rubbish hate speech has no place in Ryde.”
Another sign posted on a pushcart was discovered in Top Ryde, claiming that it was stolen by an Asian:
It is still unclear who might be behind anti-Asian posters.
Featured Image via Reddit / Sydney
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