Thai Firefighters Save Puppies Trapped by Fire

Thai Firefighters Save Puppies Trapped by FireThai Firefighters Save Puppies Trapped by Fire
Firefighters in Thailand were able to rescue two puppies from a burning field last Friday afternoon.
Local villagers have reportedly set fire to some dead trees from the patch of land in Nakhon Ratchasima in Isan.
Firefighters were summoned to the area after the flame became out of control. As they were hosing down the fire, the firefighters noticed two little dogs struggling to escape.
Without hesitation, the men hopped across the fence and ran into the burning woods to save the puppies. Shortly after, the rescuers can be seen carrying a pair of 2-month-old puppies that were apparently charred by the fire.
Both puppies emerged with blackened fur, coughing and out of breath, MailOnline reports.
Before being sent to the vets, the puppies were cleaned and provided with some first aid treatment. After getting washed, the white puppy was found to be healthy while the brown one had some burns on over 20% of his body.
According to Nakhon Ratchasima Forest Fire Control Division chief Noppachai Klin-Sungnoen, the rescue team was happy to save the puppies just in time.
“It was possible that these puppies had been living around the area before a fire,” he explained. “They might not have been able to run from the burning forest up to the road because it was too high for them.”
“I didn’t know if there were more puppies in there. If there were more, then they might be already burned to death. But we were still glad to save these two.”
The rescuers believe that if the puppies’ mother and sibling also lived there, they might have already died in the flames.
The injured puppy remains under the care of the vet and awaiting recovery, while the white puppy has already been adopted. 
“It took more than five hours to stop the fire which came from the piles of dead branches miles away from the road,” said Noppachai. “The burning has destroyed 20 acres of the natural field.“
“I wish people could stop burning the forest as there are many innocent lives lost and affected by the fire.”
Images via TNews
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