‘Burn in hell, by the way’: Asian American psychologist told to ‘get the f*ck out’ of the country

By Khier Casino
A psychologist in Austin, Texas, shared a
Hate voicemail: Dr. Han Ren, a licensed clinical and school psychologist, who has more than 124,000 followers on TikTok, described the voicemail as “violent.”
- “I just heard you speak for a couple of moments on a TikTok or something like that online,” the woman starts off in the video.
- “You live in Austin, Texas, in the greatest nation that has ever been made. And you’re sitting there, insulting Americans, and you’re talking about the strength of the American people, and you’re twisting them into something that is perverted. I suggest you get the f*ck out of my nation, okay?”
- The caller goes on to say she doesn’t know which Asian country Ren comes from but that the psychologist wants to “come in and pervert everything that is good and decent in the American way of life.”
- The caller reemphasizes, “Get the f*ck out of my nation, okay? You don’t belong here.” She ends the call by telling Ren to “burn in hell, by the way.”
The doctor is in: In response to the call, Ren pointed out that the woman was so triggered that she took it upon herself to leave someone a hateful message.
- “I have never been against America, the American government or the American people,” Ren says in her video. “So, if she have somehow equated my anti-racist, anti-oppressive views as being anti-American, then that must mean that she has some ideas about what America stands for, and that’s not me. That’s not my words. That is on her.”
- In a comment that she wrote on her video, she stated that the woman must have found her number from her website, which she has now taken down.
- Ren received several supportive comments from TikTok followers, with one describing the caller as a “mayosapien.”

Featured Image via @drhanren
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