Thai Plus-Sized Model Becomes Internet Star For Destroying Beauty Stereotypes

By Ryan General
A plus-sized model from Thailand is winning hearts on Asian social media for defying beauty standards and letting her confidence be an example to all women who are ashamed of being on the heavy side.

While society dictates that models should have impossibly narrow waists, thin arms, and long legs, Saowaluk Hirokajung Ping Anawong is promoting her beauty on her own terms.

She may not be considered slim, but no one can deny her oozing sexiness.

The gorgeous and curvy girl from Korat is definitely proud of every pound of her body and is willing to show it all off.

Images from her pictorials have been widely shared on different social media platforms, earning her thousands of adoring fans from all over the world.

In Asia, where women who are fixated on ridiculously thin pop star idol bodies subject themselves to exceedingly demanding diets, an attitude like Anawong’s is rare and commendable.

The curvaceous beauty maintains a firm belief that everybody is born different and that the only person who has the power to discriminate against you is yourself. The positive outlook may serve as an inspiration to a lot of people who are bound by the limitations imposed on them by a judging society.

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