Pennsylvania College Student Exposed for Disgusting Racism Against Asians on Instagram

By Ryan General
An Instagram user posted screenshots of an exchange with an individual who verbally abused her with racial slurs and insults.
In her post, user @vanillako, whose name is Vanessa, lamented the rising “racist and xenophobic motivated attacks” against Asian Americans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“If you thought racism against Asian Americans was over just cus @crazyrichasians was a hit, you’re naive,” the user wrote. “As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic went global, the amount of racist and xenophobic motivated attacks have sky rocketed through the roof.”
Vanessa shared direct messages from a student named Zach Seiler, who was known as @seiiller on Instagram before deactivating the account, in which he used all kinds of slurs. As of this writing, a Facebook account associated with the individual is still active.
“That’s right f*** you slat eye gooks,” Seiler wrote. “Get the f*** back to your poor ass country you dog eating bat munching no good freak-o-lops. God damn zipperheads are ruining my chance at the American Dream. You should be grateful I don’t have a one way ticket to your worthless pathetic country yet.”
Vanessa told NextShark that she first came upon Seiler when her friend posted a screenshot of his racist Snapchat story:
Vanessa then used the image in her Instagram Story and tagged him to call him out. Seiler chose to respond with even more racist attacks to Vanessa and others who criticized him:
When Vanessa warned the attacker against writing such language on social media as it might get him into trouble, the man doubled down on his verbal assaults and justified them as “freedom of speech.”
Based on the image of the Facebook account that the victim shared, Seiler is a senior engineering student at Pennsylvania College of Technology.
According to Vanessa, Seiler changed his profile picture into a gun when he was put on blast for his actions since he claimed that his father is a cop.
NextShark reached out to Seiler on Facebook for comment. He replied with, “I’m not racist okay. She started something and that’s what I commented.”
In Vanessa’s post, she pointed out the need to speak up when faced with racism.
“I will not f***ing stand by and say nothing,” she wrote. “In the midst of the chaos, we MUST stand together as a community and fight this injustice. And my fellow Asians, if you experienced any type of racist attack/harassment, we feel your rage. The worst kind of people are racist. And racism is a virus that’s going to divide this nation more than the Corona virus ever could. If something like this happens to you, I suggest you expose the person any way you can. Social media is a great way to make known to others of disgusting racists in their area. And also, no one is getting away with it. Let’s all do our best to put an end to this type of behavior. Racism is not OK, and never will be.”
She then posted updates on her Instagram Story, showing her reaching out to the administration of Pennsylvania College of Technology.
Feature Image via @vanillako
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