China says more Chinese swimmers failed doping tests due to tainted hamburgers

China says more Chinese swimmers failed doping tests due to tainted hamburgersChina says more Chinese swimmers failed doping tests due to tainted hamburgers
via CGTN Sports Scene
Since the start of the Paris Olympics, Chinese swimmer Zhang Yufei has already won two bronze medals, but her victories are under scrutiny due to doping allegations. Zhang, along with nearly half of the Chinese team, had tested positive for the banned substance trimetazidine (TMZ) before the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, but they were eventually cleared to compete this year.
  • Controversy: The situation has sparked backlash, with prominent figures questioning the integrity of the anti-doping system. Recent revelations of additional doping cases from 2022 have also deepened the controversy, and the issue has garnered significant attention in China, where the swim team enjoys widespread support. The rigorous testing regime imposed on Chinese athletes has also been criticized, with claims of unfair treatment and disruption to training routines. “I feel so wronged,” Zhang told CNN, denying any wrongdoing.
  • Investigation: China’s Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) attributed the newly revealed positive tests to food contamination likely from a hotel restaurant’s burgers, a conclusion accepted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). WADA noted that Chinese authorities detected the banned steroid in meat samples and stated it had been unfairly caught in geopolitical tensions, referencing pushback from the U.S. Despite the controversy, WADA maintains that its actions were justified, while CHINADA defends its findings and handling of the cases, criticizing news reports for “distorting facts” and emphasizing that meat contamination is a global issue.
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