Parent’s Discover Son’s Secret Anime Porn Stash After 5.3 Earthquake in Japan

By Bryan Ke
While everyone was busy dealing with traffic and cleaning up after the strongest earthquake to hit Osaka, Japan, in decades, one otaku was caught in an embarrassing situation that most teenagers would consider their worst nightmare.
The city of Osaka was rocked by a 5.3 magnitude earthquake on June 18 at about 7:58 a.m., according to CNN.
Several Japanese netizens shared some pictures of the havoc the earthquake caused inside their homes. Shelves fell over and scattered all the items and books that were carefully placed by collectors and the otaku geek community.
Figurines were also damaged by the earthquake.
However, what really got the attention of netizens were pictures showing collections of pornographic materials, Hachima Kiko reported as translated by SoraNews24.
Twitter user @dopamn said one of his parents discovered erotic magazines he stashed away while cleaning up after the calamity.
“Hey! Because of the earthquake, the erotic fanzines I’d stashed away were exposed to my mum!!!” he wrote.
It is certainly a very embarrassing experience, and other otakus in the area can relate. Here are some of their reactions:
“Omg this is like my worst nightmare.”
“If this happened at my place my mum would be so mad!”
“You never know when this might happen so you have to be prepared.”
“Maybe you should do what I do and keep it all in a locked box!”
“I don’t know who this was worse for – you or your mum.”
Featured Image via Twitter / dopamn
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