Woman Sends Ex-Boyfriend 2,000 Pounds of Onions to Make Him Cry

By Bryan Ke
A woman in the province of Shandong, China sent her ex-boyfriend one ton (2,000 pounds) of onions after crying for three days from their breakup.
The woman, only identified by her surname as Zhao from Zibo, ordered the onions and told the seller to leave them on her ex’s doorstep if he was not at home, according to Shanghaiist.
She also left a note in the package that read: “You made me cry for three days, now it is your turn!”

Her form of revenge meant a lot of work for the deliveryman as it took him five hours and 40 separate trips to deliver the onions.

The deliveryman told reporters that he is not sure if the ex-boyfriend was crying from the delivery, but he was from the back-breaking work.

It is unclear what the ex-boyfriend did with the onions.
Images via Sohu
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