Only One Group of People Love Li Shang As Much As Asians Do

So… Li Shang isn’t going to be in Disney’s live action “Mulan”, and that honestly sucks.

Literally everyone is bummed out about this.

But you know what other group of people besides Asians really loved Shang?

Like, really, really loved him?


Okay so get this — you know that the original voice actor for Shang’s speaking voice is none other than the legendary B.D. Wong, right?

Right? Right. But you know who voices his singing voice for the ultra-iconic song that teaches us all how to be men?
That golden voice belongs to Donny Osmond — one of the most famous Mormons in entertainment (aside from Ryan Gosling).
While it’s true that this ends up being a classic case of Whitewashing via voice acting, it wasn’t something that Mormon children in Utah were truly aware of at the time — even though now we know it’s wrong.

Instead, our parents just really seemed to love Mulan (likely due to Osmond), and we ended up watching that more than some other Disney movies of the era — maybe more often than non-Mormon kids?

But understand why we love him as much as we do — Donny Osmond was part of “The Osmonds“, the other family band in the Jackson 5 era. They enjoyed most of their success in the 1970s and 1980s, selling over 100 million records worldwide.
So while everyone else had moved on from Mulan, Asians — and Mormons — just couldn’t because we love it and Li Shang so dang much.

So we’re all taking this news pretty hard… but we’re all in this together.

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