One Comic Sums up Why You Should Never Have Limiting Beliefs About Yourself

Everyone hears “It can’t be done” or “It’s impossible” all the time. But is it really?
Rational Comics produced the comic below based on the true story of Dasrath Manjhi, a man who literally moved a mountain.
Manjhi’s wife was sick so he had to go over to the next village to seek medical help. Unfortunately, it was separated by large mountains, which prolonged his trip. By the time he came back, his wife had already died.
Not wanting his fellow villagers to suffer the same fate, he spent 22 years digging a path through the mountain that would lead directly to the next village. Today, Manjhi’s cutout can also be seen from space (“Dasrath Manjhi Rd, India” on Google Maps).
So the next time you feel like your dreams are impossible to attain, read the comic below.
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