‘Transracial’ influencer Oli London says they plan to undergo penis reduction procedure to be ‘100 percent Korean’

By Ryan General
Oli London, the non-binary “transracial” influencer who has had around 20 plastic surgery procedures to look like BTS member Jimin, said they want to reduce their penis size to become “100% Korean.”
The 32-year-old social media personality revealed their plans for a penis reduction procedure during a recent interview with Newsweek.
“I don’t want people to get offended by this, but in Korea, [the average] penis is like 3.5 inches, and I get trolled all the time,” London said. “People say, ‘Oh, you can’t be Korean. You’re not 100%Korean,’ and I just want to be 100% Korean.”
London did not elaborate on where they got their figures nor did they specify if they were referring to a penis’ erect or flaccid state.
According to a 1971 South Korean study on the “penile size of Korean men,” the average length of a flaccid penis is 8 centimeters (approximately 3.15 inches), while the average length of an erect penis is 12.7 centimeters (approximately 5 inches).
These measurements are not too far off from the global average length, based on a 2014 study published in the journal BJUI International. The study, which focused on the “construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15,521 men,” placed the average length of a flaccid penis at 9.16 centimeters (approximately 3.6 inches) and the average length of an erect penis at 13.12 centimeters (approximately 5.16 inches).
“I would even have a penis reduction so I’m, like, the Korean average,” London was quoted as saying. “That’s how far I’m willing to go. I can have it done in Thailand, and it will cost between $6,000 and $8,000.” They added that while the procedure “does sound weird,” they intend to do it so they can be “100% Korean.”
London also shared that they have booked a face and neck lift in Turkey for this month.
“My entire face will be Korean, I’ve done my chest,” they noted. “Like, what can I do next? I don’t know. Like, my hands are too big… [It] just makes me feel closer to the country. I’m actually booked in for February 22. Then I’ll be happy [with my looks]. The thing is, when I do surgery, I’m happy for like two months, and then I want more.”
London’s efforts to appear more “Korean” have sparked numerous accusations of cultural appropriation. In a recent interview with NextShark, Korean American influencer Priscilla Kwon called London out for being “the definition of fetishizing Korean culture.”
Featured Image via Oli London
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