OC Lawyer Draws Flack for Comparing ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ With Negative Racial Stereotypes

By Khier Casino
A California lawyer who claims to be the most well known and requested law tutor in America is being accused of racism after likening the film “Crazy Rich Asians” to “the Asians who flooded into Orange County and then took over our mall at South Coast Plaza.”
When Christina Ignatius’ friend told her of the adaptation of Kevin Kwan’s novel of the same name, she was reminded of the “snoshy” (portmanteau of “posh” and “snobby”) Asian residents of Orange County who would purchase expensive items from high-end retailers such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton.

“They have a zoned-in personality where they act as if no one else exists and they just run straight in front of you to grab the next purse,” she added in a now-deleted Facebook post screen-grabbed and shared by user Calma Yom.
Ignatius continued to claim that the residents would drive in a Mercedes in the carpool lane of South Coast Plaza and cut across five lanes to reach the mall, prompting her to use the stereotype “driving like an Asian.”
She then appears to mock Asian accents by replacing the letter “L” in UCLA with the letter “R”.

Ignatius also claims to have graduated from the University of California, Irvine where she met “a lot of rice rockets.”
“Tenacious Ignatius,” as she calls herself on Instagram, then proceeds to list almost every Asian stereotype one can think of, including Tiger Moms who force their children “to become docta” or marry a doctor or lawyer if that path fails. She also brings up Asian women who marry her “Caucasian male lawyer friends” just for the money.

Finally, Ignatius concludes her rant with the Asian tourist stereotype.
“If you thought you could get away from them for a hot second and go on vacation to Yosemite, think again. They came in huge buses and stood in front of each waterfall to give the peace sign in their selfies.”

In a follow-up post, which has also since been deleted, Ignatius defends herself by saying she does not despise Asians.
“I really love them and I find differences to be funny and interesting,” she wrote, accompanied by the viral JustKiddingFilms sketch “Shit Asian Moms Say.”
Netizens sounded off.
“Seriously?! Wow! Ethics violation? Hope everyone reports this one to the State Bar of California. Why should someone have a license to practice law if they’re a racist?! I wouldn’t be giving any money to this woman,” one Facebook user wrote.
“Can’t let ignorant people like this bother you. Just let her be the hateful person that she is. Obviously Asians are doing well enough for her to be this jealous,” another commented.
Featured Image via Instagram / wrongfuldeathlawyer
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