Oakland man who targeted pedestrians with his car receives probation after attempted murder charge dropped

By Bryan Ke
The attempted murder charge against an Oakland man who deliberately rammed his car at another driver last year has been dismissed after entering a plea deal.
The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office dismissed the charge against Daniel Won, now 20, after he pleaded no contest to the prosecution. He has been sentenced to a two-year probation as part of a plea deal instead.
Won was charged for ramming his car at a man, identified as paramedic Joseph Lax, 29, in Oakland’s residential neighborhood of Montclair on Aug. 12, 2021.
Lax and his two passengers reportedly got out of their car to confront Won near Girvin and Aitken Drives and tell him to drive slowly. An eyewitness filmed Won attempting to hit them before driving away. He returned shortly after, and the bystander can be heard warning the victims about his return.
Won attempted to hit them a total of three times. Lax was struck by Won’s speeding Chevrolet Volt and suffered a fractured tailbone. His pregnant girlfriend and her sister were almost hit but remained unharmed.
The Oakland man reportedly threatened to kill his victims after they confronted him before the assault. He was arrested, sent to Santa Rita Jail without bail and charged with premeditated attempted murder and assault.
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