Police search for man who sucker-punched sushi chef outside NYC subway

Police search for man who sucker-punched sushi chef outside NYC subwayPolice search for man who sucker-punched sushi chef outside NYC subway
via ABC7
Ferdianto Suwandi, a 29-year-old sushi chef from New York City, was attacked with a random sucker punch outside a Queens subway after he got off the 7 train at Woodside Station at around 4 p.m. on Oct. 11.
  • What happened: While Suwandi was checking his phone, he was suddenly struck in the face by an unidentified man, knocking him out for about a minute. When he regained consciousness, he was bloodied, disoriented and surrounded by concerned bystanders. The attacker fled before police and medics arrived. Suwandi was taken to Elmhurst Hospital, where he received stitches for a torn lip, and days later, he still struggles to eat solid foods with his swollen face and sore jaw. 
  • Ongoing investigation: Police are still searching for the suspect, described as a man wearing a pink jacket and black jeans. Suwandi is unsure of the motive but suspects it could be linked to the recent rise in attacks against Asian and Jewish communities. The incident has left him emotionally scarred, and he is now contemplating leaving New York, urging officials to address the issue of random subway violence. “People are afraid, including myself. I’m a 29-year-old grown man and this is what happened to me. New York is not safe anymore,” he told the New York Post.
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