Beauty Supply Worker As‌s‌au‌lte‌d After Catching Thieves Stealing $87 Worth of Wigs

Beauty Supply Worker As‌s‌au‌lte‌d After Catching Thieves Stealing $87 Worth of WigsBeauty Supply Worker As‌s‌au‌lte‌d After Catching Thieves Stealing $87 Worth of Wigs
An old male attendant at a beauty supply store in New York was as‌sa‌ult‌e‌d by three women after he caught them stealing $87 worth of wigs.
The incident, which happened over a week ago at My Hair and Beauty at 168-24 Jamaica Ave. in Queens, NY,  was captured on surveillance video.
According to the po‌l‌ic‌e, the 57-year-old sales attendant reportedly caught the women from walking off with the unpaid merchandise and tried to stop them at around 2:50 p.m. on October 23.

Security footage obtained from the store shows the women be‌at‌ing and kno‌ck‌ing the employee down to the ground before escaping with their stolen wigs.
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While the unnamed vict‌i‌m sustained some bruises, he was not seriously injured and reportedly refused medical attention.
On Monday, the N‌Y‌PD released some images and description of the s‌uspe‌cts in a bid to catch them faster.
Individual #1: female black, 25-years-old, medium build, dark complexion and short brown hair. She was last seen wearing a du-rag, black jacket with colored patches on the front, blue jeans and black work boots.

Individual #2: adult, female black, dark complexion with a short black hair. She was last seen wearing a red jacket and black pants. Individual #3: adult, female black, dark complexion. She was last seen wearing a dark grey jacket, red hoodie, black hat and black jeans.

Individual #3: adult, female black, dark complexion. She was last seen wearing a dark grey jacket, red hoodie, black hat and black jeans.
Those with relevant information related to this incident are encouraged to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577. Calls/texts are strictly confidential.
Featured image via YouTube/Jon Cronin
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