North Korea Accidentally Leaks Its Heavily Guarded Secret Internet to The World

By Ryan General
The North Korean regime is known to be overly protective of its privacy, but a recent internet security breach exposed some of the inner workings of the totalitarian state’s online network.
North Korea’s internet ecosystem, which is made available to a limited few inside the hermit kingdom, was exposed online due to a lapse in IT security, revealing itself to be quite underwhelming, reported TechCrunch.
Matthew Bryant, a security engineer for Uber, noticed that North Korea had set its online architecture to allow domain administrators to request a list of its national top-level domains.
Bryant then set up a script to review and go over the list and made an interesting discovery — there are only a total of 28 .kp domains registered in the country. He would later post the list online via GitHub.
Reddit users chanced upon the list and immediately, the Technology subreddit collected screenshots of the North Korean sites, which, unsurprisingly, mostly contained propaganda.
While the discovery does not necessarily mean that these are the only sites North Koreans with internet access are allowed to access, it does offer an interesting insight on how the most isolated country in the world uses and views the world wide web.
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