Japanese company releases caffeinated ramen that gamers can eat with one hand

Japanese company releases caffeinated ramen that gamers can eat with one handJapanese company releases caffeinated ramen that gamers can eat with one hand
via Nippon Ham
Japanese company Nippon Ham has released a ready-to-eat caffeinated ramen designed specifically for gamers.
“Boost Noodle” requires no heating and can be consumed directly “with one hand” from a “spout pouch,” according to the company. It contains 35 milligrams of caffeine and includes chashu pork, menma (fermented bamboo shoots), a mix of tonkotsu (pork broth) and seafood broth and noodles made from konnyaku – a yam gelatin that remains firm and doesn’t become soggy. Released on Friday, the “Boost Noodle” ramen is available on Japan’s e-commerce sites for 660 yen ($4.30).
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