Asian American Tries to Rescue Neo-Nazi Website, Becomes ‘Hero of the White Race’

Asian American Tries to Rescue Neo-Nazi Website, Becomes ‘Hero of the White Race’Asian American Tries to Rescue Neo-Nazi Website, Becomes ‘Hero of the White Race’
After being dumped by its Internet service provider GoDaddy and many others, neo-Nazi site The Daily Stormer soon found itself a new home — under the welcoming arms of Asian American entrepreneur Nick Lim.
According to Lim, founder of BitMitigate, he offered his firm’s services to Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin in the name of free speech. He admitted, however, that he also wanted to create publicity for his company, which protects websites from “denial of services attacks”.
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“People should be given the right to express their ideas,” the 20-year-old told ProPublica, before adding, “I thought it would really get my service out there.”
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Lim even said BitMitigate is giving its services to The Daily Stormer for free.
In the interview, Lim claimed that he had no idea what the site actually stood for, stating that he hadn’t really looked into it.
When told by ProPublica of the site’s ideology, he responded dismissively with: “I think there’s a lot of stupid ideas here. But frankly, it’s not my decision or something I really want to get involved in.”
After denying his involvement with far-right politics, he said he simply did not want to either condemn or endorse the views of his clients.
That was until his tweets before the weekend revealed his actual beliefs:
“People think they are doing good by silencing white supremacists but in reality, they are chipping away at constitutional rights.”
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In another, he asked, “Is the left evil or just stupidevil?”
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His efforts have so far earned him praises from alt-right sympathizers, with many hailing him as a hero:
Despite Lim’s efforts, however, The Daily Stormer did not remain online for long as having a content delivery network (CDN) and a server is not enough to keep a site running. According to Tech Crunch, GoDaddy has reportedly terminated The Daily Stormer’s domain name, but the site can still be accessed via the dark web.
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