Newsweek Journalist Accidentally Tweets Hentai Porn, Blames it On Wife and Kids

By Ryan General
A Newsweek senior writer briefly became the subject of an amusing internet controversy after he was caught with a tab with a tentacle porn hentai comic on his computer.

Journalist Kurt Eichenwald reportedly tweeted a screenshot of his computer screen in an unrelated online discussion with Fox News host Tucker Carlson who had an argument with Eichenwald on his show on Tuesday night, reports the Mirror.

Unfortunately, Eichenwald inadvertently left the open tab of the 212-page hentai comic called B-Chiku barely visible in the uploaded photo.
While the gaffe was actually a non-issue for many, some netizens who found it funny could not help but point it out for others to notice as well.
After Twitter users had a field day, Eichenwald responded to the issue with an interesting defense: he was just showing his wife that “tentacle porn existed”.
His explanation, written in a four-part tweet, is reproduced in full below:
“Sigh. Ok, I’m a dumbass. Believe it or not, my kids & I were trying to convince my wife that ‘tentacle porn’ existed. I tried to find some to show her it was real. But I couldn’t find any – & ended up w/ this. My family reads my twitter feed, so they know this is true. While hentai (until now, I thought it was called manga) was on screen as part of a search to prove 2 my wife tentacle porn exists, what diff would it make? Seriously, while I don’t see the appeal of cartoon porn, porn is a multi-billion industry. Pple obviously look at it.”
However, many Twitter users did not buy his alibi:
Eichenwald then provided proof by posting a supposed text conversation with his wife where he “only removed names and drug names.”
There is one gaping hole in his narrative though: B-Chiku is not “tentacle porn,” as Gizmodo pointed out.
It would have been more believable if Eichenwald had a tab open with a Google results page for “tentacle porn.”
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