Here are All 27 Pokémon You Maybe Missed in the New ‘Detective Pikachu’ Trailer

By Bryan Ke
Warner Bros. has released the second trailer for the much-awaited Pokémon movie “Detective Pikachu,” and it
The film, which stars “Deadpool” actor Ryan Reynolds as the titular character and Justice Smith as his human partner Tim, is a movie adaptation of the Nintendo 3DS game of the same name. It follows the story of Pikachu, the mascot of the Pokémon franchise, as he solves the case of his partner’s missing father.

The Pokémon franchise has generated over 800 unique monsters in its seven-generation run. With such a staggering number of creatures, it can be daunting for even longtime fans to keep track of all the Pokémon revealed in the new trailer. Luckily for us, Business Insider has compiled a list of all 30 monsters so-far revealed in both trailers. Here are some of the coolest ones:
Joltik, a bug/electric-type Pokémon, can be seen scuttling along power lines:

Ludicolo, a hilarious water/grass-type Pokémon that grows stronger whenever it hears happy music, is portrayed as a bartender:

A few Pokémon make an appearance below: Charmander, part of the original starters, Growlithe, a puppy Pokémon often seen serving as a sidekick to Officer Jenny in the anime; Arcanine, Growlithe’s majestic evolved form; and Golurk, a large golem-like Pokémon often used for physical labor.

Machamp, a four-armed fighting-type, is seen directing traffic while Snorlax is napping on the sidewalk – and possibly blocking the way for those who wish to pass, much like in the games. If you watch the trailer closely, you’ll also see a Pancham crossing the street.

Then there’s Snubbull, a fairy-type Pokemon who, despite having a gruff exterior, is a genuine sweetheart:

There’s also Lickitung, another one of the original 151 Pokemon featured in the first generation of video games:

Squirtle, the original water starter appears to be missing in a police station flyer.

Morelull, a grass/fairy-type Pokemon, is seen flying alongside a group of Bulbasaur:

As we zoom out, we can see some Weedles subtly crawling away on the hills.

Multiple Loudreds, a normal-type “sound”-based Pokémon who can generate extremely loud noises with its mouth and also serve as loudspeakers with its ears, is seen helping out a DJ, portrayed by real-life DJ Diplo, in a cameo:

Blastoise, the third evolution of Squirtle, is seen fighting a group of Haunter and Gengar — a possible nod to the iconic opening scene of the original Pokémon anime:

Cubone, a tiny ground-type with a heartbreaking backstory involving the bone it wears on its head, is seen bursting out of a Pokéball:

Flareon, one of Eevee’s many elemental evolution, is shown standing between statues of Dialga and Palkia, two legendary Pokémon from Generation IV.

Aipom, a monkey-like Pokémon generally depicted as cute and mischievous, is seen with quite a contrasting temperament:

A ferocious Charizard, Charmander’s third evolution, is seen to be engaging in a battle with Pikachu.

Greninjas, frog-like dark/water types can be seen jumping from trees.

Mr. Mime, an expert at pantomime makes an appearance.

And, lastly, perhaps the biggest reveal of all: Mewtwo! A legendary psychic Pokémon born of genetic engineering, this iconic Gen I monster also happens to be the villain in the first Pokémon movie ever made, “Pokémon The Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back.” It appears it’ll be reprising its role as the bad guy, judging by its menacing appearance in the new trailer:

“Detective Pikachu” is set to hit cinemas on May 10.
Images screenshot via YouTube / Warner Bros. UK
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