New Batman comic series based on animated ‘Batman Beyond’ features bi-racial Asian Terry McGinnis

New Batman comic series based on animated ‘Batman Beyond’ features bi-racial Asian Terry McGinnisNew Batman comic series based on animated ‘Batman Beyond’ features bi-racial Asian Terry McGinnis
As the Batman mythos continues with the new series “Batman: Beyond the White Knight,” a new Dark Knight of Japanese and Irish descent has been introduced.
In a recent Instagram post uploaded by the series’ writer and artist, Sean Murphy, fans received confirmation that Terry McGinnis, the newest Batman, is “half Asian,” which sets his character apart from previous versions of the superhero. 
Terrence “Terry” McGinnis Wayne was first introduced to the DC Universe in the 1999 animated series “Batman Beyond” as the Dark Knight’s protégé. In the 2004 animated series “Justice League Unlimited,” Terry finds out that he is Bruce’s genetic son in “Epilogue,” the 13th episode of the show’s second season.
Murphy’s eight-issue limited series, “Beyond the White Knight,” is the sequel to “Batman: White Knight.” It is also the fifth installment of Murphy’s “White Knight” series, which is based on the animated series “Batman Beyond,” effectively translating Terry’s character from the TV show into the comics. 
Breaking away from what is considered canon in the DC universe, the “White Knight” series will allow Murphy to create an alternate reality in which Terry is its protagonist. In Murphy’s universe, also known as the Murphyverse, Terry takes on the role of Bruce’s successor after Bruce’s identity is exposed to Gotham City. 
Through “Beyond the White Knight,” Murphy also solidifies Terry’s long-suspected Asian heritage. Although Terry’s ethnicity was never officially confirmed in the past, several fans assumed the fictional character to be part Asian. 
“The trick with Terry for me was how to make him a little different,” Murphy told Screen Rant. “I didn’t want to just mirror exactly what happened with the ‘Batman Beyond’ cartoon series. I wanted to make it unique, but sort of familiar at the same time. One of the things I really wanted to do is make him half Asian. I didn’t realize this, but a ton of people — including myself — always assumed Terry was half Japanese, and half Irish, or something. Only because there’s so much kanji in Neo-Gotham, and he has long, black, straight hair… like, a lot of people mistake him as being half Asian. Even though both of his parents are like, extremely white.”
With Murphy’s decision to give Terry a Japanese mother and an Irish father, the comic book creator turned an assumption into a reality. His decision to confirm fan speculations was made in an effort to create a unique background for the character.
Maybe it’s just window dressing, and it doesn’t really affect [the] story that much, but I just thought it was an interesting way to break out my Terry from the other Terrys out there,” Murphy told Screen Rant. “And obviously to diversify the line, which is important.”
“Batman: Beyond the White Knight” is set to release on March 29. 
Featured Image via @seangordonmurphy
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