Why Angry Trump Supporters are Deleting Their Netflix Accounts

Why Angry Trump Supporters are Deleting Their Netflix AccountsWhy Angry Trump Supporters are Deleting Their Netflix Accounts
People who are pissed with Netflix’s trailer for “Dear White People” have taken to boycotting the service by cancelling their subscriptions and going on a social media strike.
The first trailer for the controversial series was released on Wednesday. So far, it has garnered nearly 30,000 likes and over 290,000 dislikes on YouTube as of press time.
The series, based on a 2014 film of the same title, is scheduled to air on April 28. It follows the story of Sam White, a black college student who attends a predominantly-white fictional university while hosting a radio show that tackles minority life.
In the trailer, White is seen broadcasting about acceptable and unacceptable Halloween costumes:
“Dear White people, here’s a list of acceptable Halloween costumes: pirates, slutty nurse, any of our first 43 presidents… Top of the list of unacceptable costumes: me [donning a black face].”
Shortly after the trailer’s release, displeased critics began the #NoNetflix hashtag on Twitter. According to Inverse, “white supremacists” immediately spoke out against the “anti-white show” and “white genocide.”
Others cancelled their subscriptions. Among them is Twitter personality @bakedalaska, a well-known Donald Trump supporter.
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Despite the movement to boycott Netflix, its stock appears to be holding.
Meanwhile, Justin Simien, director and writer of the 2014 movie, commented (via Rolling Stone):
“But now, I feel strangely encouraged. To see the sheer threat that people feel over a date announcement video featuring a woman of color (politely) asking not to be mocked makes it so clear why I made this show. I want those who are chronically unseen in the culture to feel seen. And I want those willing to extend empathy to experiences unlike theirs to understand their humanity more deeply.”
Did Netflix go too far with this series or is it exactly what our society needs now?
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