Myspace Tom is Now Retired Traveling in Asia and His Instagram Game is Straight FIRE

Myspace Tom is Now Retired Traveling in Asia and His Instagram Game is Straight FIREMyspace Tom is Now Retired Traveling in Asia and His Instagram Game is Straight FIRE

Remember this man?

Yup, that’s Tom Anderson, founder of Myspace, and was everyone’s first friend on the social network.

After selling Myspace to  News Corp. in 2005 for $580 million, Tom is now happily retired and enjoying life as a photographer.

I am behind on processing photos! In other news, I think Japanese sushi is good for my skin 🙂

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Some of his best photos come from the continent of Asia, like this breathtaking aerial shot of Manila, Philippines.

“Travel was never my thing specifically; I was not a collector of places or experiences.” Anderson told NextShark. “But once I had a camera in my hand, everything changed. I was driven, and it gave me a creative purpose that guides all my travel.”

Tom’s hauntingly beautiful 2012 photo from Taiwan makes us want to visit Taipei multiple times.

Sometimes I wonder if the mystery of travel, discovery and exploration has been tainted by the Internet—these days it’s almost hard not to see photos of nearly every place multiple times before you go there! This place was different for me. I was traveling through Taiwan with no real idea of what I might find. I got a rental car in the main city Taipei and just started driving. After a few days I’d entered the gorge by car, but later moved to hiking on foot. This was not a touristy or popular spot. At least not in 2012 when this photo was taken. As I meandered along the mountain’s edge trail, pushing bushes out of the way to take in the view, I rounded a corner and saw this temple peering out from the fog. I felt a strange combination of excitement and serenity. I need more moments like this. 🙂

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The hot air balloon festival in Burma is straight out of a fairy tale.

“Burma is my favorite place – I like something that seems different than the West, something apart and truly foreign.” Anderson said. “The way people dress, their attitudes, their culture. I was mesmerized from the minute I set foot in that country. I have high hopes for Aung san suu Kyi and am eagerly watching what is developing there.”

Tom takes stunning night sky photos, too. Here’s a shot of a skyline in Singapore:

MySpace Tom discovered a private island in Thailand, throwing a little shade at “Tesla/Musk” in the process.

He may want to take up wildlife photography as well because these furry little creatures at a Japanese hot spring are adorable.

But some of his favorite photos were captured in Guilin, China, which Anderson describes as: “One of those ‘I can’t believe how cool this is’ moments”.

Tom shared a cool story with NextShark about his travels:
“There are so many times when you connect with people as a helpless, lost and clueless foreigner. I once crossed a river in a part of China not knowing that the wood-thatched “ferry” stopped running. The guys had gone home I guess. I ended up finding someone who took me across in a boat that could barely float. Then had to hitch hike down a crazy, hair-pin turn mountain with a truck driver who spoke no English. This was far, far away from any touristic spot. If this happened to you in your own country, you’d probably be annoyed. But when you are a visitor in someone else’s country, it all feels like a wonderful adventure.”

Probably my favorite photo I’ve taken in China. This place is amazing 🙂

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One of my favorites from China. Glad I got to see a place like this before it changes forever 🙂

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Also, guess what! Tom is also giving away a trip to Hawaii via his Instagram account!

One lucky winner will be offered a trip to the island of Oahu, courtesy of everyones first “friend” on MySpace.
According to Tom’s official Instagram account, here’s what you have to do for your change to win:
  1. Follow verified “MySpaceTom”.
  2. Tag three friends in the comments of the video.
  3. And like the video.
The winner of the giveaway, which Tom pointed out isn’t “connected with Instagram in any way”, will be announced on May 9.

Tom from MySpace may no longer be with the social network, but just remember that his Instagram game is stronger than yours.

Got that itch; I’m feeling starved for some spectacular scenery #tripplanning –shot this in Langkawi Malaysia

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Be sure to follow Tom on Instagram @myspacetom!

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