‘Mountain Pong’ Is The Beer Pong Expansion Set You Never Knew You Wanted

By Foodbeast
If you think classic beer pong isn’t as challenging as it used to be, you might want to look into Mountain Pong. A new Kickstarter campaign is boasting a new concept that takes the time-honored drinking game to another level.
Mountain Pong consists of two uniquely-designed cupholders that the drinks are placed in. While keeping the original six-cup base, three new elevated levels are added to make things a little more challenging.
The set is completely mobile and can be enjoyed pretty much anywhere you can put it down.
Currently, the project is live on Kickstarter with a goal of $30,000. As of publication, it’s reached a little more than $2,000. If you’re interested in seeing Mountain Pong in your future, you know what to do.
Written by Peter Pham of Foodbeast
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